Sunday Snapshot 16/9/18

We were reminded by hubby this morning that we said we’d go to my brother in law’s friend’s house because they were hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning.

Kids these days throw around the word epic all willy nilly. However, the amount of cake there truly was epic. Tables were groaning under the weight of it. All of it delicious.

Little one savored some gingerbread men (didn’t eat them head first either, rate for him!) and we enjoyed our slices, nay, wedges of carrot cake, lemon drizzle and coconut cake.

Then there was lots of playing outside to burn off said sugar. Once inside, the doll house was a firm favorite, with munchkin proclaiming that “Dump truck have a bubble bath!” and “Race car have sleep!”.

Who are we to say that only folks can go inside?

Sunday Snapshot 10/06/18

This week has been full of excitement after 3 weeks full of nose to the grindstone work doing a side gig.

First of all it was our little one’s 2nd birthday! We all had the day off from our usual work/nursery situation and spent most of the day together at a local ice cream farm full of lots of farm animals, diggers, tractors, wet play, sand play and trampolines. Oh and yes, ice cream as well!

It was a warm day, so the treat of ice cream at the very end before driving back in the car was extra special and very much appreciated. Kiddo had vanilla, I had a delicious mango and passion fruit (and a less flavorful cotton candy flavored one though) and hubby had raspberry ripple and coconut.

When we got home we talked with my mom on WhatsApp while I made a cold pasta salad, because our kid is a pasta eating machine and hasn’t been eating as much lately because it’s been so warm. I knew he burned through a ton of energy during the day, so wanted to make sure he had enough food to replenish his energy stores. While chatting with Mom I made a 2nd cake because the first Victoria sponge with raspberry jam I made the night before was a failure — it had sunk and was essentially raw in the middle! Luckily I got a better recipe and it worked out perfectly. He loved trying to blow out his candles and his jubilant reaction of “caaaaaaake!” made all the extra effort worthwhile.

We got him one of those trikes that goes from baby-friendly to full on independent trike and he loves it. We’re looking forward to walks with it in the neighborhood and to and from nursery with it. He is really good and loves to go on a good walk, but unfortunately we often go out on a whim sans stroller and then we have to carry him. Afterwards it feels like we have gorilla arms.

We love the longevity of it as well and that he can keep using it as an independently powered trike in years to come. It’s also one of the few ride on toys we’ve got him that he isn’t immediately almost too big for. As a parent of a tall kid who often is mistaken for a 3-4 year old, this is incredibly exciting!

We’re also excited that family didn’t go nuts with presents for him too. Sure, we now have a big old train table from my mother in law that we have no idea where it’ll end up living on a permanent basis, but he is so in love with it that he’s forgetting he’s hungry (a strange occurrence for a child who has been a bottomless pit the first 2 years of his life)!

Other exciting news is that we’ve had our first proper play date yesterday with his bestie from nursery. Us two moms and kids had a great time and are already making plans to meet up this week too! Between her and the local NCT group, I feel like I’m making good progress on making proper new friends in the area, which feels great.

Greek lamb and feta puff pastry pizza

To quote Hannibal from the A-Team, “I love it when a plan comes together”!

I wrote a while ago about being stuck in a cooking rut, and 3 months later, it seems as if I’ve found myself in a similar situation — relying on the same old standards and being a bit on auto-pilot. This is totally not a bad thing, but because cooking for me is one of my favorite creative outlets, I do get the itch to trying something new from time to time. And hey, I’ve been experimenting with sweet treats like delicious homemade ice creams, sorbets, french toast, and much more, but my favorite thing to cook are actual meals rather than baking or desserts, if I’m honest.

This week I’ve finished reading this book: Superwoman Rx, which sounds super gimmicky, and I guess it kind of is, but I find its blend of conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine very fascinating, especially seeing as my knowledge of the latter two is minimal at best and something I want to learn more about. I heard about the book from the Bulletproof Radio podcast, which I’ve been enjoying lately and I really connected with Dr Taz’s story and how it’s not just about the food and exercise to really thrive, but things like self-care, mindset and mental health are equally if not more important. In other words, she was totally preaching to this choir.

Anyhoo, she has a lot of Greek-inspired recipes in her book and it made me realize that even though I love Greek food, I have never really ever made any aside from the typical hummus. So off I went onto the internet this morning in search of inspiration. I decided I wanted to do something with lamb, because since I never really grew up eating it (former picky eater as a child), I don’t really cook it much, even though I now love the stuff, as does the rest of my family!

Eventually I found this recipe for Greek lamb wraps and decided that I make a puff pastry pizza inspired by the ingredients and seasonings from the recipe.

Let me just say, it turned out every bit as delicious as I hoped it would. We devoured the lot and I had a very happy hubby, child and tummy of my own. The kiddo usually hoovers up most food, but he hasn’t had a whole lot of pizza with as much meat on it as I put on ours tonight, but he chowed down with a big smile on his face and kept asking for more. Result.
